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Friday, October 12, 2012

Leather Chairs

Now that the weather is cooling, I find my tastes returning to the materials that I most associate with winter living -- tweed, wool, cashmere and leather. I am a vegetarian for more reasons than one, so it seems incompatible for me to be a fan of leather goods. But my feeling is that since vintage leather items have been around longer than I have, I would rather see them gracing someone's home than decaying in a landfill somewhere. I am particularly fond of leather club chairs as they are often associated with gentlemen's club style (see this post for more details). I first encountered them at the Paris flea market at Porte de Clignancourt. The leather was cracked and the stuffing coming through, but I loved their masculine lines. The green air force chairs below have a completely different silhouette, but they would be a unique alternative to classic club chairs. I'm not a smoker but these beauties almost make me want to say, "bring on the cigars."

Images: British Homes & Gardens magazine, November 2011 issue. BBC Homes & Antiques magazine, November 2011 issue. Marie Claire Maison, May/June 2011 issue. Cote Paris, May 2011 issue. BBC Homes & Antiques magazine, July 2010 issue.

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